Strength. Skills. Spiritual Formation. These three things are hard to grow in alone, and the statistics on men are grim when it comes to how men relate to one another as we get older. Legions meet those challenges head-on. We meet on the second Saturday of every month to challenge you physically, teach you a skill, and walk alongside you spiritually- all while raising up a community of men committed to pursuing Jesus. Oh, and it’s early to avoid conflicts with your busy schedule.
We’ll meet you where you are- come ready to be challenged and participate. Legion memberships are for all men ages 18 and up. There’s nothing to lose- the first two months are on the house.
What to bring:
- Athletic shoes
- Water
- Ruck (backpack) with 35 lbs of weight
Where to find us:
2nd Saturday of every month, 5:30 [sharp!] to 7:00am
- Dallas, Texas
- Fort Worth, Texas
- Longview, Texas
If you’re outside the three areas we’re currently meeting, we’d love to know that. Reach out to us and we can start talking about steps to get a Legion started in your town.
2 Month Free Trial
Membership Plans
Check out the Ironcenturion Podcast all about Legions!
We love Legions and think it’s a crew you’d enjoy being a part of, but don’t just take our word for it.
Get a first-hand account from JT, a guy just like you who participated in our pilot program to hear how being a part of Legions impacted his life.