Equipping men committed to growing toward the heart of Christ to lead as disciple-makers focused on restoring men, their families, churches, and communities to reflect the Kingdom of God.

Ironcenturion Podcast
Tune in to The Ironcenturion Podcast, a Christ-centered adventure into leadership, manliness, and brotherhood.
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This is Ironcenturion
We need adventure in our lives to thrive, so we work hard to provide that in a way that draws you closer to our Lord and to the brothers he’s given you. This is nothing like any church event you’ve been a part of before. The content and the challenges are unapologetically designed to speak to what makes you uniquely male- and men keep coming back because they find themselves connecting to God and their brothers in ways that don’t happen in a retreat center. Lasting life change doesn’t happen over a weekend but we’ve seen this be a powerful catalyst in the lives of men who have attended. Invest in your walk with God and see what he does with it. We dare you.
Listen to what leaders of men say about Ironcenturion
“From the instant I met Tim Storm, I knew that he and his team were destined for great ministry success. That’s because Ironcenturion meets a vital need in our nation. They’re innovatively training men to be leaders and men of God with the grit to impact their families, churches, and communities for Christ. I urge you to join them!”
“Ironcenturion is not your everyday experience and not for the “easy-life” man. If you are looking to be changed as a man mentally, physically, and spiritually than there is no reason you shouldn’t sign up for an event.”
“The genius of Ironcenturion is that it gets guys dealing with their spiritual lives, not by leading with contemplative questions, but rather giving them challenging experiences and forcing them to make real-time decisions. The reflection time that follows helps men sort through their decisions revealing their underlying values. This paired with the time in the Scriptures provide a powerful medium for men to examine their hearts and evaluate their spiritual health.”